Friday, January 19, 2018

Religion vs. Relationship

As we have been speaking with others about the Lord (Mel does the majority of the talking, as I am still too timid), a common thread keeps reappearing as we realize that most seekers have the same types of doubts.  The below discussion is based on a conglomeration of several encounters blended into one. 

“I know all about God,” he insists, “I know all about religion.  In fact, I was married in an Assembly of God Church, and I’ve been a Lutheran, a Mormon, and even a Catholic, but I don’t go to church any more.  I’ve read the Book of Mormon, The Koran, and The Talmud, so I know what you’re talking about.  Jesus was just a good man, and there are many different gods, but none of them are for me.  Oh, I’m not an atheist; I just don’t think any god cares about me so I don’t care about any one god.”

We are not into religion, but into a relationship with Jesus Christ, the only way to salvation.  Jesus loves you and wants you to accept Him as your Savior.  It is okay to ask the tough questions because God wants us to seek His face and make an intelligent decision when we choose Him for our Lord.

“But how do you know your way is the right way?” he taunts, “Jesus was just one of many good men.  There are many other good men too.  Why should I choose your way?”

Because Jesus died on the cross for your sins.  No one else has done that for you.  He chose to leave Heaven and suffer a horrible death to pay the price for your sins.  He rose again from the grave so that you may also have eternal life. Did Joseph Smith, Buddha, or Mohammed do that for you?

Unmoved by the love of Christ, the next question is, “If Jesus is all-powerful, then why did He need to go to the cross?  Couldn’t He just simply choose to forgive my sins and just, well, do it from Heaven?”

There are things we cannot understand.  The Bible says Jesus had to repurchase us back from Satan.  On this side of life, we can never fully grasp why, but the Bible tells us that when we get to Heaven all will be made known and we will understand it all clearly.  The Bible says there are spiritual wars going on that we cannot see nor comprehend.  What we do know is that Jesus is our protector from a life spent in Hell and He is willing to send His angels to do battle for us when we live holy lives. 

“Humph!  If God is so wonderful, then why is there so much suffering?”

We live in a fallen world because God chose to give us free will, and man rebelled.  Adam and Eve chose their own selfish wants over fellowship with their Creator.  Adam and Eve betrayed this gift and chose to listen to the serpent’s lies rather than God’s warnings simply because the serpent’s lies were more appealing than God’s Truth.  This is why we live in a world full of death and tragedy, not because God is cruel, but because man chose to alienate us from God by using his free will out of the desire of wanting to be like God.  Humans do not want fellowship with God, nor do they want His advice, protection, or correction, they want to be gods!  They want to be independent.  They want to use their free will to do whatever they so please, then cry out, “God save me,” when it’s convenient.  Or curse at God even though they have made no effort to live a holy life and only pray when they want something. Therefore, suffering exists not because God is cruel, but because man chose to defy God.  Man caused this fallen world and the good suffer because of it. 

A few moments of silence from the antagonist, before asking, “Well, how do you even know this Jesus is real?  There are many myths and legends of virgin births and men who rose from the dead.  Why should I believe your Jesus is the only true story?”

Because of a historian named Flavius Josephus.  He was alive during the time of Christ and testified to all he saw.  His writings prove the Bible is real.

“I’m sure this guy was just some believer that wrote those things to make Jesus look good,” the scoffer insists.

No, Josephus was not a believer.  He was a famous historian that worked for several Caesars. In fact, he was an orthodox Jew who opposed Christianity, also called The Way back then.  If he could have disproved all the disciples had reported, he absolutely would have.


You can look it up for yourself.  Do your own research; see what Josephus wrote.

A flicker of light shows in the person’s eyes, but soon is clouded over again as he says, “Well, I still say churches are all a bunch of nonsense.  They just want your money.  And most churches wouldn’t accept someone like me.”

The Lord spoke to us and told us to step away from churches a while ago.  Jesus in not about religion or the prosperity preachers, He is all about relationship.  Living a life set apart from sin and choosing to daily walk down paths of righteousness, having compassion for others, and serving those less fortunate, that’s what being a Christian is all about.

There is silence again.  The person on the other side of the fence is seriously contemplating all we have said, and we are fervently praying a seed has been planted.

Eventually we part ways on friendly terms, the other person refusing to admit we are right, but promising to think about all we have said.  Fair enough, that is all we ask, but please pick up a Bible and discover Jesus on your own, apart from what the false churches are teaching. 

We continue to pray for the people of our encounters, as we pray for you, our readers.  We pray for others to enter your life that will water the seeds we have planted.  Perhaps we are an answer to someone else’s prayer.  We pray God’s Truths will seep into the fibers of your soul so deep that you cannot let them go.  We pray God will grab a hold of your heart until you give in and grab ahold of His garment.  We pray for salvation and an eternal walk with the Lord. 




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