Thursday, May 16, 2024

Recent Dream of the Lord's Return and the Cherubim.


Recent Dream of the Lord's Return and the Cherubim.

I recently dreamed that Jesus spoke to me and said, " Tell me your dream". I replied," I saw four angels with their wings spread, and the tips of their wings were touching one another as the cherubim turned in each direction."  Then I began to sing, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. " The angels sang with me, and as I repeated the chorus, more angels joined in until I was singing with a multitude of heavenly hosts! The song was upbeat and beautiful and was unlike any song I have ever heard. The angel's voices were very high pitch and sounded possibly feminine. As the song ended the final words were, "Come, Lord Jesus!"

 The angels sang the word Jesus for several seconds. I looked up and I saw Jesus returning, Jesus was quickly descending toward me, with his hands outstretched, and I could see the nail prints in the upper part of his hands near the wrist, and his face was shining brightly. Words cannot express the sound of the multitude of heavenly hosts singing with me or the beauty of the return of Christ.