Thursday, March 24, 2016

Exploring Christian Entertainment Part Two (Written by Mel and Julie)


This post is written by my wife and me. There are many biblical movies today being produced by both Hollywood, as well as Christian organizations that are not wholesome, nor biblically accurate.  There was a time when biblical movies were safe for the whole family to watch and there was more of a reverence than today. We made the decision to do away with television, as well as all movies some time ago because of  all the wickedness shown. But before we completely made a break from movies, we viewed some biblical movies and were shocked at what we saw.

We will examine some of the biblical movies that are being endorsed by many churches today. When Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" first came out, I went to see it in the movie theater. I had a strong discernment of a demonic presence during the entire movie. The discernment was strongest when they depicted Satan as a grotesque woman holding a demonic baby. This movie was made like a horror movie, not a biblical movie. They didn't need to show the worms eating the carcass of a donkey or the overdone mutilation of Christ. The most disgusting scene occurred at the end of the movie during the resurrection scene. They showed a quick glimpse of Christ's nude backside, including his buttock. This is typical Hollywood's irreverence for anything holy. Yet the churches in their blind ignorance endorsed this movie.

Another one of Hollywood's irreverent movies was "The Last Temptation of Christ." I never saw this rated R movie but I read much about it. This movie depicted Jesus fantasizing about having sex with Mary Magdalene upon the cross and it showed them naked in bed together. This is the ultimate blasphemy against our Lord who knew no sin. At least back then the churches protested this disgusting film, but today, anything goes with a church who has lost it's way.

The last so-called biblical movie we saw was "Noah" with Russell Crowe. This movie did not resemble the true biblical account of Noah in any way! The movie "Noah" depicted the fallen angels (watchers), as creatures made of rock. These rock creatures repeatedly made remarks about how the creator punished them for helping mankind. The movie depicted the fallen angels helping Noah build the ark, and the result was, that God forgave them for their trespass and let them re-enter Heaven. Later, aboard the ark, Noah is depicted as a mad man trying to kill his newly born grandchild. There is also a castaway aboard the ark urging Noah's son to kill his father. The facts are that the fallen angels did not help Noah build the ark. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark. Noah, his wife, and his sons and their wives, were the only ones aboard the ark, there were not any castaways or grandchildren. This gross departure from scripture is presenting a lie to many people who are not familiar with scripture.

The latest insult from Hollywood is the new release, "The Young Messiah". Anne Rice is the author of the book that the movie is based off of. Anne Rice is famous for writing horror stories, especially about vampires. This movie is presenting a lie about the childhood of Jesus. The Bible doesn't have much to say about the childhood of Christ, so Hollywood considers it perfectly acceptable to fill in the blanks with lies. The movie depicts Jesus being bullied by a child who falls and hits his head and dies. Jesus feels bad about it and resurrects the child from the dead. According to the Bible, Jesus first miracle was when he turned the water into wine at the marriage feast, and even then he said that his time had not yet come. This movie also depicts an attempted rape scene in which the woman kills the man. There is also an implied sex scene between Herod and a woman who dances for him. A demon is also depicted taunting the young Jesus. There are no boundaries, or depths of depravity, that Hollywood will not lower themselves to. Other movies to avoid are, "Risen" and "Exodus". These movies also grossly depart from scripture, as well as are filled with violence.

I have also been shocked at the movies being produced by Christian organizations. One movie depicted a pastor using profanity from behind the pulpit. This same movie also depicted a Christian family drinking alcohol on a regular basis. Many of these faith based movies also show women dressed immodestly, they include swearing, as well as unnecessary violence. There was a time when there was a reverence for the Lord, as well as Christian ministry, but now anything goes. My advice to Christians is to give up television and movies, and grow close to the Lord.   

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