Sunday, May 29, 2016

Dream of the Coming Economic Collapse

It is common knowledge that our economy is in serious condition, but most people are not aware of how bad things will become. The total U.S. National Debt is : $19,216,137,840,436.13 and many economists are predicting a stock market drop of up to 80% this year. If this does happen it could trigger a serious economic depression. The Obama administration attempted to put a band-aid on the economy by pumping big bucks into it, but this will soon prove to be a huge mistake. Although the economy temporarily rebounded and the housing market returned to normal, the bubble is about to burst. When the bottom falls out of the housing market this time, not only will people lose their hard earned equity, but there will be no more stimulus money to bail our economy out. The government can't continue to print money with nothing backing it up. Another threat to the world's economy is the fiscal problems going on in China. When the Chinese economy recently went through a mild recession the world's markets took a nose dive. Soon most of the world's nations will see an economic collapse.

A couple of months ago the Lord gave me another dream of the coming depression. I dreamed that I was walking down a sidewalk in a city, in the year 1929. The buildings, as well as the cars resembled that era. The people seemed to be content and unaware of what was about to happen. Then people received word that the stock market had just crashed and later panic followed. I felt the need to take refuge in a Christian mission house, and was met at the entrance by workers. They led me to a chair and offered me some refreshments since it seemed to be a hot day. The workers told me to have faith in the Lord because they had plenty of provisions for those who would take refuge there. Later people began to enter the mission house in a state of panic, and those who would put their faith in Christ were allowed to stay there. But some of the people refused to listen to the workers and left. Later I walked outside to see what was going on in the streets, and I noticed that everything seemed to be dried up. The streets were dry dust, and there was a great whirlwind of dust blowing in front of me. It reminded me of the great dust bowl of Oklahoma in the 30's. I understood that there was a drought, as well as a famine. I could hear loud crashing thunder in the distance, and I witnessed a large storm approaching. At first I thought that the storm would bring much needed rain, but then I noticed the black clouds were spawning a large number of tornadoes that would destroy everything in their path. I understood in the dream that this great depression, would be followed by the great tribulation. The storm clouds of worldwide judgment are on the horizon. Our only hope to survive the storm is to listen to the instruction of God's Spirit. The mission house is symbolic of the Lord's haven of refuge, where he will feed, as well as protect his children during the time of trouble. Rev 12 indicates that God will protect some of his children in wilderness locations during this time. It is essential that we seek the Lord in prayer with fasting, as to the location that the Lord desires for us to ride out the storm.

 A few years ago I had this dream. I was walking down a hill in a major city, when I turned around I noticed the hill was covered with a huge American flag (our economy is going down). A man ran up to me in desperation and said that Wall Street had just tanked and that he lost everything that he had invested in stocks. I understood that he was a business man that was suicidal. Other men began to run up to me and tell me that the market had just crashed. Then others began to run around in a panic and they said that unemployment was at an all time high. One man was having an emotional breakdown, and was saying that he was laid off from his job and there was not any jobs to be had and he didn’t know how he was going to feed his family.

Then I witnessed a crowd of thousands of people shaking their fists in the air and shouting against the government. It sounded like a roar of voices. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, “this is what I meant when I said, “panic in the streets”, as well as “chaos””. I don’t know when this will occur, but we need to be prepared.

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