Thursday, November 10, 2016

Prophecy Fulfilled: Donald Trump Will be the New President

Prophecy Fulfilled: Donald Trump Will be the New President


On March 15, I posted a prophecy that contained a vision, word, as well as a dream about President Trump. Here is a link to that posting.  When I posted this prophecy, it looked very doubtful that Trump would win the Republican nomination. Everyone said that Trump would self-destruct, and all of the polls reflected this until election day. The news media claimed that Hillary Clinton had an 89% chance of winning the presidency on Monday. In spite of all of the polls and predictions made by the media, the Word of the Lord has been fulfilled, and Trump will be our next president.


 Trump is a vessel of dishonor, who has been raised up for this very hour, and he will take America down. Donald Trump is America’s Ahab, and he will walk in the same immoral ways as Obama. I have had the same vision twice, of Trump’s eyes shut very tightly. The Lord says that Trump’s eyes are closed tightly to all things spiritual and Godly. Trump played the religious right, like a smart business man, in order to secure the votes he needed to get into office. Trump’s advisors informed him that without the votes from the religious community, he would not be elected to office. Trump then followed their advice, and established an advisory panel of religious leaders. Trump even prayed to accept Christ, in order fulfill his agenda. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin according to Christ. Donald Trump is not a Christian; his only god is himself! The blind religious leaders of this land are making comments, that Trump will turn this nation around for God. This nation has gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Trump has vowed to support gay marriage, as well as transgender bathroom rights. This immoral man, has been accused of groping  a number of women. He has also, flip flopped on abortion rights several times, proving that he will say anything to get votes. Mike Pence claims to also know Christ, but he buckled under pressure, and now he supports homosexual issues. A true Christian would be a person of integrity, and would stand firm in his beliefs, and would not be a flip flopper on issues.


In a recent dream, I saw a large crowd celebrating Hillary’s anticipated victory. Then I was standing in the Oval Office, as Trump and his family walked in. I noticed that one, or more of Trump’s sons, as well as his daughter Ivanka, was with him, and they were all dressed in red. This may indicate that Trump will appoint some of his children to cabinet positions, or possibly, jobs within the White House. Although red is the color of the Republican Party, it is also the color of communism. I am not saying that our country will embrace communism. But, if you have read my posting entitled, “Visions and Dreams of Soviet America,” then you know that America is well, on it’s, way to becoming a police state, similar to the old Soviet Union. The Lord has showed me, that we will continue to lose our freedoms, under the Trump administration, and a new America is being formed.

 I would like to clarify, that I also, did not vote for, or support Hillary Clinton, or the Democratic Party. My allegiance is not with any political party, it is with the Kingdom of Heaven.  

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