Saturday, September 26, 2020

Large Scale Terrorist Attack against America is coming!

Around two years ago, the Lord spoke to me that there would be a large scale terrorist attack against America. Several months prior to that, the Lord gave me a dream of people running in a parking garage full of smoke with firefighters evacuating people. I also saw many people moving out of a large city that may have been New York City.

In another dream, I was walking inside a large office building and heard breaking news on a television set. The news caster said, that the Islamic State terrorist group was planning terrorist attacks against America and some would eclipse 911. I also understood that they would not be working alone.

Recently, the Lord gave me a dream that the large scale attack would produce a mushroom cloud, meaning that it will be nuclear. This confirms the pronounced vision I had of a nuclear device set off by terrorists while working security at a bank in Kansas City. Please watch my two videos on the coming nuclear terrorist attack and the future nuclear war for details.

The article below is about two men recently arrested who were ISIS sympathizers. They desired to attack the White House, NY Stock Exchange, Trump Tower, as well as other sites. In the next few years a lot of apocalyptic events will transpire. Please be in prayer and prepare yourselves spiritually and physically.

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