Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Cry for America the Time of her Judgment is at Hand.


Today, the Lord spoke to me concerning the racism in America. The Lord said, "Cry for America, it is the time of her judgment." Also, the Lord said: " Does she not deserve the death penalty with all the racism within the land?" The Lord also said, "It is fall". The word fall is a reference to the fall of America, as well as the season preceding the Great Tribulation which is spiritual winter. The Lord also said "sundown." It is sundown upon this age of mankind. 

All the hate within our land will bring about the righteous judgment of God. America has removed prayer and the Bible from public schools and government. America has removed the ten commandments from court house and other government buildings. Abortion on demand is the legal murder of the unborn! Gay marriage and transgender rights have replaced morality and God's laws! America has said in all her pride, we are a progressive nation and we don't want, or need God. God will not remain where he is not wanted!! God's hands of protection are being removed from this Godless nation and the cup of her judgment is being pored out.

The death penalty has been decreed for the United States of America. Her cup has now been filled with hate, racism, violence, murder, immorality, witchcraft, and all forms of lawlessness. The time of repentance for individuals is now! It is too late for America because she refuses to humble herself and repent! Today, is the day of  salvation which starts with repentance! Make Jesus Christ your Lord by being born again! 

Many will be protected in wilderness locations during the Tribulation (Rev 12) ,but you must seek God as to where to relocate. Christ said, that he will return immediately after the tribulation (Matt 24), not before. The dead are raised at the last trump, on the last day, and all those martyred within the Tribulation will have part in the first resurrection.

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