Thursday, August 14, 2014

War with Russia is Imminent

Four years ago, the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice and said, “War with Russia is coming”! Since then, the Lord has shown me more concerning this. I don’t know when or how this will begin but I do know that it is imminent. I believe that the current tensions with Russia over the annexation of Crimea is creating a hostile environment. This may not be the spark that triggers WW3, but it may help inflame Russia over another event in the near future. Yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden said that if Russia aggresses upon another European nation it will result in military action. Most of the European nations are members of NATO (North American Treaty Organization). All NATO member nations are under treaty to defend the soil of other NATO members as if it were their own soil.

Another concern of mine is Iran. Both Russia, as well as China, are under treaty to defend their ally Iran if they are attacked or invaded. There has been a lot of talk over the years about a military strike on Iran by either the USA or Israel. Israel made that threat again yesterday. The Lord also spoke to me that war with Iran is coming. This may be the catalyst that triggers the war with Russia/China, I don’t know.

I encourage you to read my post entitled, “Visions of the fall of America”, if you have not. I will now clarify what I believe will occur. I believe that war with Russia will begin WW3. There will be limited nuclear strikes. I believe they will originally use small yield nukes, such as backpack or suitcase nukes planted by terrorists. My vision of the nuclear destruction of Kansas City indicates this. At some point China will join Russia in war against America and they will defeat America. China will occupy America for a period of time. I believe that China will turn on Russia and destroy her by nuclear weapons. The book of Revelation indicates that two thirds of the earth will be destroyed by fire, I believe this to be nuclear fire. Joel also mentions pillars of smoke, as well as the sun being darkened and the moon turning the color of blood, this may all result from nuclear warfare.

There is hope for survival through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe that the Bible indicates that God will protect many of his children in wilderness areas during this time of Great Tribulation that is coming.

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