Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Visions and Dreams of Soviet America

Visions and Dreams of Soviet America

Since September 11, 2001, I have had many dreams, as well as visions, and words, concerning the new America that is being formed. Since 911, we have been losing our freedoms a portion at a time, and the American people have naively trusted our government. Last month, I had a vision of red strobe lights on top of a law enforcement vehicle, and the Lord spoke the word, “Soviet” to me twice, as the bright red beams shined twice in my eyes. The red beams from the strobe lights were so bright that the vision actually hurt my eyes. I believe that this vision was another confirmation to the police state that will be formed in the very near future.

 On Saturday, I dreamed that I was walking with the Lord, as well as with a group of people in a shopping mall. I noticed a soldier that was dressed in a soviet era Russian uniform with an assault rifle was working as the mall security guard. I asked the soldier for directions and I understood that he was American. I then said to my wife, “America sure has changed since the American people were disarmed; now only the military have weapons.”  I also understood that shopping malls, as well as theme parks, still remained, but the military was now the law enforcement of the land. I believe that this dream indicates that capitalism will continue in the new America, but America will become a police state similar to the old Soviet Union.

 The many shootings across the country, as well as terrorism, and the coming economic collapse, may be the events that bring about the change in our government.  Since 911, our military has gone from being defensive in nature, to offensive (aggressive).  Words like pre-emptive strike are another name for aggression.  The Lord compared both George W. Bush, as well as Barack Obama to Hitler to me in dreams and visions. Also, the patriot act gave the government, as well as the president , and law enforcement, more power than ever before in history. This almost unlimited power, was used in a very abusive, as well as intrusive way against innocent American citizens. Emails, cell phone, and landline conversations, were tapped by the government, and still are to this day.  Not so long ago, it was reported in the news, that many world leaders also had their phones tapped by our government, most notably Merkle of Germany.  Also, many FEMA camps were used as prisons to house innocent people accused of crimes, without evidence, or trial. A few years ago, many involved in the Wall Street protests were also, imprisoned in FEMA camps. These FEMA camps are located all over the country, and they will be used as concentration camps in the future. The Lord showed me that there will be a persecution against Christians that speak out, or don’t go along with, the polices of our government.
When Hitler rose to power in Germany, he confiscated the firearms, as well as destroyed them, in order to better maintain control of the people, the same will happen here shortly. After the firearms are confiscated, America will change suddenly into a land that has lost its freedom. Shortly after this, America will go to war with both Russia, as well as China, and will meet its doom. China will also occupy this land for a period of time. The vision of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, is about this great world war to come. Now is the time to make preparations!                 

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