Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Recent Visions of the Burning of America and the War with China

I recently dreamed that I was standing in a city surrounded by large skyscraper buildings. I noticed that flames were coming from the top floors of one building, and began to spread to other buildings. Before long, every building in sight was on fire. I looked into the distance and every building, both small, or large, was on fire. The angel of the Lord said, “Terrorism.”

 The Lord has given me quite a few visions and dreams, about terrorism coming to America. The Lord said, that some of the attacks, will eclipse 911. The Lord also said, that he is removing his hand of protection from America, because America has removed him, from sight and sound. The Lord, is also allowing Islamic terrorists to come to our shores, because of the brutal war campaigns, waged against Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as other nations. America, has become like Sodom and Gomorrah. Gay marriage, trans-gender bathroom laws, abortion of the innocents, witchcraft, Satanism, new age religion, dead churches, etc. will bring judgment upon this land. Christianity without holiness, is a dead religion, and is no better than Islam. God is removing his Spirit, from the lukewarm churches who refuse to teach repentance, followed by sanctification (to be set apart from the sinful world).

Last night, I dreamed that I was riding in a military vehicle. A soldier, said to me that America and the UK will engage China this weekend. The Lord compares the end of this age, to the weekend, sundown, or 6PM, also known biblically as the twelfth hour. I was then ministering to a large group of refugees from America, who had fled to Canada to escape the Chinese occupation. The angel of the Lord said to me, that America, would be handed over to China, and occupied, in the same way that it occupied Afghanistan. I understood that it would be the wise ones, who flee to Canada. Last week, I shared a dream that both China and Russia, will go to war with America after a short time of pseudo-peace. I was shown, that President Trump will build more nuclear missiles, and it may be toward the end of his second term, the war will commence. The coming war will eventually become nuclear, and two thirds of the grass and trees will be burned, as recorded in the Book of Revelation.

In another dream, I saw nuclear bombs go off, and the result was that the sun produced scorching heat that burned the skin of people. People were trying to hide in caves, and holes in the ground, to escape the effects of the scorching heat. I saw a child of God, holding a shield of faith above his head, to reflect the sun, as he traveled to a place of refuge designated by the Lord.

 Rev 16:8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. 

Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"   
In another dream, I saw a group of people in a bomb shelter in Paris France. They thought that they would be safe there, and then I saw a large nuclear explosion go off behind the Eifel Tower. I understood that Paris was ground zero, and would be, completely destroyed. The good news is that God, will protect many of his children in remote wilderness areas, during the Great Tribulation. The wise will seek God for his direction, and will begin preparations ASAP.  

This section is a reposting from June 5, 2016, Entitled: Visions of America's War Campaign's

Nothing escapes the eyes of the Lord, he sees all of the wickedness of man, as well as the suffering of his creation. The Lord is very displeased with America over the unjust brutal wars it has waged under the false banner of freedom. The Lord has given me a number of dreams, as well as visions concerning the American military machine and the abominations it has committed against innocent nations. Many people are under the false impression that George W. Bush was a Christian man who was following God’s direction when he led America to war against Iraq and Afghanistan, the truth is quite the opposite.

Bush admitted that he had an vendetta against Saddam Hussein, because Hussein threatened the life of his father. The USA also had oil interests in Iraq that proved too irresistible to the Bush administration. This was all confirmed by members of Bush's staff who reported that Bush told them to find a way to sell an Iraq invasion to the American public. Secretary of State Collin Powell even resigned after his first term in office because of the illegal invasion of Iraq. Bush's advisor recommended that he use the word freedom to justify the invasion and the American public blindly for the most part accepted the lie.

I would also like to point out that horrible weapons were used against the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan that are very inhumane, and some of them have now been banned by the Geneva convention. The American military used armor piercing munitions made from depleted uranium. These radioactive munitions set off Geiger counters, as well as caused cancers, and birth defects among the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as our troops. To this day, many areas of these two nations still set off Geiger counters. White phosphorous gas was used to light up the skies for night warfare, this gas was known to burn the skin off of people. The MOAB bomb (mother of all bombs) was also used to cause severe damage. In all of it's arrogance, America used Iraq, as well as Afghanistan to show off it’s weapons of mass destruction to the world.

God will judge this nation for it’s brutality, because America has ceased to be a good nation. Since America has removed all mention of God from sight and sound, so God will remove this nation from his sight. Abominations such as gay marriage, abortion of the innocent etc. will not go unpunished. I will now share dreams, as well as visions that the Lord has given me.

Back in 2003, shortly after the invasion of Iraq, God gave me this dream. I saw a semi truck trailer that was about half filled with canned food. The food was dispersed throughout the truck to make it appear that the truck was full of food. There were hundreds of Iraqi people lined up for this insufficient amount of food. One lady was crying and grabbing for the food and people were fighting her, as well as others for this food. Then the scene changed to that of a conservative Christian dinner being hosted by John Hagee. The good Christians were seated at round tables with white table cloths on them. They were all fat and eating thick steaks. John Hagee then spoke and said that Bush was God’s anointed President and that God used him to free the peoples of  Iraq, as well as Afghanistan, then the people all applauded. Then I stood up and pointed my finger at John Hagee and began to prophesy, I said something like, woe to you who support this war, for the blood of the innocent is upon your hands. I then also pointed my finger at those seated at the tables and prophesied something similar. God saw the starvation that resulted from this war and his justice will prevail. Water treatment plants were also destroyed in the war and were not repaired for up to three years. Typhoid, as well as cholera were the result. Shortly after I had this dream, it was reported on the news that many food trucks had an insufficient amount of food in them.

In another vision, God showed me the world, and the American flag was above it, and the flag became huge and enveloped the whole world. In another vision, God showed me America taking the rod to the nations that would not submit to it’s will. This was done in darkness according to the Lord. The Lord also showed me that he was not pleased that people were worshipping the American flag. I was given dozens of dreams, as well as visions about our nation but will not share them now. I will however share one more dream that the Lord gave me.

In a dream I was handed two scrolls. I unrolled the first and it contained God’s military offensive, which I believe to be evangelism. The second scroll contained a picture of a black mountain, as well as military plans and then I heard the radio go off, the voice sounded like an old radio broadcast from the 1940′s. It said, “Alert, Operation Stargazer, America’s military offensive continues”. I believe that this dream was indicating that America would continue it's offensive wars into future presidential administrations. The Lord is very displeased with the new Nazi like America that was birthed in 2001. Russia and China are not innocent by any means, they have been very brutal with their own people, as well as have persecuted Christians, and God will judge them also. But America is provoking both Russia and China militarily. America is having war games in very close proximity to their territories, as well as doing flyovers near their military bases. Our government uses the excuse that Russia is aggressive because of it's annexation of Crimea a couple of years ago. But the truth is that Crimea voted to leave the Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Also, the missile defense system that the US is building in Romania and Poland is adding much fuel to the fire. Both Russia, as well as China are now buzzing our military aircraft and ships, and this could very easily lead to war. After conducting aggressive war campaigns in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as Libya, the USA is in no position to point the finger at other nations.

I would like to clarify that I love this nation and I pray for it consistently. This great nation was founded as a Judeo-Christian nation dedicated to liberty. This nation was a light to the entire world at one time and our constitution reflects God’s intention for mankind, as well as what I base my political beliefs from. But our nation has now turned it’s back on God and has gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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