Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Large Scale Terrorist Attack Against America is Coming!!

Large Scale Terrorist Attack Against America is Coming!!

Recently, a word from the Lord came to me as I woke up. The Lord said, “A large scale terrorist attack against America is coming!”  On Feb 23, I dreamed that I was in a public place, within a city and there was a large screen television set with a news report in progress. I heard a civil defense sound coming from the news report, as well as saw words on the bottom of the screen. It was the sound you hear from a radio or television test of the emergency broadcast system. I saw people running, as they were being escorted by firemen, in what appeared to be a parking garage, filled with smoke.  The scene reminded me of 911.

The Lord showed me that there would be some kind of terrorist attack this year and soon! However, if my understanding is correct, the large-scale attack that will eclipse 911, will occur in the year 2020.  In the past, the Lord gave me dreams, as well as spoke to me ,that there would be terrorist attacks against America and some would eclipse 911. The Lord named the Islamic State terrorist group as responsible for the large attacks.

The Lord’s hands of protection are coming down from around America, because America has departed from God. The Lord spoke to me that he is allowing these attacks to come because of the unjust, cruel, wars that America waged in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. I have had many dreams, visions, as well as words, about these unjust war campaigns that America has waged under the false banner of freedom. In biblical times, God used the evil Babylonians, to execute his righteous judgement against Judah. The same is true today; God will use evil nations, or groups, to execute His judgments. However, God will also judge the oppressors. These terrorist groups are evil and God will judge them as well. Islam is a false religion that produces extremists. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through the Son.

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