Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Lord said, "Peace with the Office is Gone."


Today, the Lord spoke to me again. The Lord said, "Peace with the Office is Gone." I had a clear vision of a raised fist with the word. We need to be in prayer for our President, Law Enforcement personnel, as well as all who govern over us.

The anarchy in the land is pure evil in the sight of a holy God. The rage against the Office of the President, as well as Law Enforcement, will greatly increase soon! God is not pleased with all of the hate within our land and it will bring the downfall of this nation.

Hate groups like the KKK, BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys etc. are stirring up racial tensions and insurrection within our land. The leader of Antifa is a self proclaimed communist who desires to destroy our freedom. God is a God of Law and Order, not Lawlessness. The judgment against Hate is coming swiftly.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Cry for America the Time of her Judgment is at Hand.


Today, the Lord spoke to me concerning the racism in America. The Lord said, "Cry for America, it is the time of her judgment." Also, the Lord said: " Does she not deserve the death penalty with all the racism within the land?" The Lord also said, "It is fall". The word fall is a reference to the fall of America, as well as the season preceding the Great Tribulation which is spiritual winter. The Lord also said "sundown." It is sundown upon this age of mankind. 

All the hate within our land will bring about the righteous judgment of God. America has removed prayer and the Bible from public schools and government. America has removed the ten commandments from court house and other government buildings. Abortion on demand is the legal murder of the unborn! Gay marriage and transgender rights have replaced morality and God's laws! America has said in all her pride, we are a progressive nation and we don't want, or need God. God will not remain where he is not wanted!! God's hands of protection are being removed from this Godless nation and the cup of her judgment is being pored out.

The death penalty has been decreed for the United States of America. Her cup has now been filled with hate, racism, violence, murder, immorality, witchcraft, and all forms of lawlessness. The time of repentance for individuals is now! It is too late for America because she refuses to humble herself and repent! Today, is the day of  salvation which starts with repentance! Make Jesus Christ your Lord by being born again! 

Many will be protected in wilderness locations during the Tribulation (Rev 12) ,but you must seek God as to where to relocate. Christ said, that he will return immediately after the tribulation (Matt 24), not before. The dead are raised at the last trump, on the last day, and all those martyred within the Tribulation will have part in the first resurrection.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Socialist Revolution


 As I have previously stated, around ten years ago I heard the words from the Lord, "Chaos, Anarchy, Panic in the Streets, America is going down."

Also, around ten years ago I dreamed that a hostile group of people entered the White House shaking their fists in the air and chanting, "Get Out, Get Out". Then they started chanting, "Revolution, Revolution!" Another group entered the White House carrying assault rifles aiming them at people who disagreed with them.

I also saw thousands of people in the streets shaking their fists at the government. A man wearing a white shirt was running in the streets saying he was going to kill himself because he lost everything when the stock market crashed. I also saw a large hill covered with an American flag going downward.

Here are pics of armed protestors from both the left and the right. Our nation is experiencing a socialist revolution that may result in civil war. In some parts of the country the protestors are calling themselves, "The Peoples Revolution." This is a communist phrase. In Portland Oregon some protestors are waving red flags and carrying shields with the hammer/sickle communist symbols on them.

Antifa protestors are targeting wealthy neighborhoods in the suburbs of Portland. They are going to homes with bull horns and demanding that the people within come out into the street and put their fist up in support with them or they will come back and burn their homes down. They demanded that a African American man remove his American flag or they would burn his house down. He refused because he was a veteran who loves his country. Fortunately his neighbors came to his defense.

Antifa members are approaching people eating at outside tables at restaurants and shaking the table and demanding that they put their fist up or be harmed. They normally approach women and sometimes force them to the ground. Antifa members have been filmed using racial slurs toward black people. I believe that they are the instigators of the rioting. I am against racism, and I support racial justice for all. However, Antifa is a known communist American group that is a threat to our nation.

These events are the beginning of the downfall of America. Now is the time to make physical and spiritual preparation for the storm which has begun. Things are not going to get better until the Lord returns. Thus says the Spirit of the Lord!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Large Scale Terrorist Attack against America is coming!

Around two years ago, the Lord spoke to me that there would be a large scale terrorist attack against America. Several months prior to that, the Lord gave me a dream of people running in a parking garage full of smoke with firefighters evacuating people. I also saw many people moving out of a large city that may have been New York City.

In another dream, I was walking inside a large office building and heard breaking news on a television set. The news caster said, that the Islamic State terrorist group was planning terrorist attacks against America and some would eclipse 911. I also understood that they would not be working alone.

Recently, the Lord gave me a dream that the large scale attack would produce a mushroom cloud, meaning that it will be nuclear. This confirms the pronounced vision I had of a nuclear device set off by terrorists while working security at a bank in Kansas City. Please watch my two videos on the coming nuclear terrorist attack and the future nuclear war for details.

The article below is about two men recently arrested who were ISIS sympathizers. They desired to attack the White House, NY Stock Exchange, Trump Tower, as well as other sites. In the next few years a lot of apocalyptic events will transpire. Please be in prayer and prepare yourselves spiritually and physically.