Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My Wife's Vision of the Judgments Coming upon America


Yesterday, my wife had a vision of the judgment coming upon America. She received the word, "A storm is coming". She was awake and saw a map of the USA with swirl shapes that covered every area of America. This indicates various judgments that will affect every state. As the map zoomed out, she saw varying colors of orange indicating levels of severity. The darkest orange was a circle that extended possibly from Texas through most of the South Central and Midwest regions. Possibly as far as Tennessee to the east and Nebraska to the north. The darkest orange indicates the fires of judgement will be most severe there.

I have shared my dream about the nuclear attacks that will take out the entire west coast of California. I have also shared about the judgments coming to NYC. Every state will be affected but some areas more severe. America's enemies will severely attack the heartland. There are many forms of judgments, tornados, earthquakes. fires, extreme heat or cold, diseases, famines, war, bombs, nuclear bombs.

The Gospel has been preached considerably in the Bible belt of America (south and mid-west regions). However, the apostasy, as well as many false ministries are located there. A false grace message that excludes true repentance and holy living is being taught and accepted by most. Those who have received the truth and rejected it for man-pleasing doctrines will have a stricter judgment.

My wife received several confirmations to this vision. The Lord always confirms his messages to both me and my wife. The Lord has spoken.

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