Sunday, October 13, 2024

Where is the discernment? Part 2, Written by Me

Where is the Discernment? 

Part 2, Written by Me

There are also many counterfeit revivals going on, where God’s Holy Spirit has been replaced by demonic manifestations. People are laughing uncontrollably, as well as making different animal sounds. They are hissing like snakes, mooing like cows, roaring like lions, howling like wolves, as well as barking like dogs. These same manifestations occur within Kundalini Hinduism, as well as other forms of occultism. In a congregation in Boston, the pastor crawled on his hands and knees like a dog, barking, and his wife led him around on a leash fastened to a dog collar around his neck. The wife then said, “Where he leads, I will follow!”

People also claim to be drunk in the spirit; they display symptoms of physical drunkenness. After leaving one of these revivals in Florida, numerous people were pulled over by law enforcement officers for drunk driving. They all passed their breathalyzer tests, because they were made drunk by an unholy spirit. God’s Word is clear that God hates drunkenness, and no drunkard will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan is the lawless one, and he is making a mockery of God, within these revivals. After leaving this flesh fest, people were also seen displaying drunk behavior in local restaurants. They were falling on the floor in the restaurants, laughing hysterically. God is a God of order, and not foolishness. God will not make a person drive drunk or embarrass them in public. Where is the discernment? Why can’t Christians see that an unholy demonic spirit, is at work in their churches?

There are many counterfeit revivals producing demonic manifestations occurring worldwide. The Toronto blessing, Pensacola outpouring, Lakeland revival, Kansas City IHOP, Bethel Church in Redding Ca, Hillsong church etc. are but a few examples. False Ministeries to avoid, Rodney Howard Brown, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Joyce Meyers, Paula White, as well as all other prosperity gospel preachers, and those that teach the unconditional eternal security doctrine.

In some, so-called Christian rock concerts, many of the young people are going into trances, where they display tribal dancing. These are but a few of the demonic manifestations going on worldwide. The late pastor David Wilkerson warned the church about this invasion of demonic activity, as well as the need to return to holiness preaching, but most will not listen. It is time for the church to start using discernment and realize that something has gone wrong. God is withdrawing his Spirit from many churches, because they will not endure sound doctrine. If the churches will return to teaching and living in holiness once again, then maybe God’s Spirit will return!

Many of the leaders of these false revivals have been caught in adultery, as well as homosexual relations. I believe that in many cases physical perversion is a manifestation of spiritual perversion. A false prophet from Florida who led a well-known revival, has a tattoo of a Japanese goddess on his arm. He claims that this goddess is really an angel by the name of Emma who accompanies him during his kicking sessions at his so-called revival. He claims that Emma has instructed him to hit or kick people in need of healing, as an act of obedience. The revival was shut down when it was revealed that he was having an affair during the entire time of this revival. This wolf in sheep’s clothing, divorced his wife and married his mistress. Now he is back at it again. A false prophet from Kansas City, claims that this same angel Emma came floating into his church to usher in their false revival. His church later removed him from his ministry position due to sexual misconduct with church members. Another false prophet from his church admitted to being a practicing homosexual. I could go on and on with examples of how perverted these revivalists are, but this should suffice.

Many of the television evangelists, as well as mega-church leaders, have also had their share of scandals. A well-known television evangelist, who wears a white suite, and has a healing ministry, has much darkness surrounding him. Channel six news from Orlando featured an expose on this minister. They showed on film a group of men sitting at a table together, and the evangelist handed a bong to his lead singer, as well as another man at the table. Both of these men smoked the bong. One of the men who smoked the bong, died later from a heroin overdose. While this married evangelist was in Rome, he was filmed walking and holding hands with a female television evangelist, who was wearing very short shorts. They both admitted to a friendship when the pictures were released but denied their obvious affair. In spite of this wickedness, their supporters chose to forgive them. If Christians would wake up and stop supporting these apostate ministers, they would shut them down overnight. God’s anointing is not on these reprobates, who use God for dishonest gain. Hell will be full of those who fleece the flock.

Many Christians are afraid of supernatural experiences because of the demonic manifestations. However, we need to allow God’s true gifts to be in operation within the church. It is not good to quench God’s Spirit, or to be afraid of it. For God does give visions, dreams, work miracles, heal the sick etc. (1 Corinthians 12). It is crucial that we pray over experiences, as well as use sound judgment. The reason for this unholy spirit which has invaded the church is a false grace message that promotes loose living, as well as other false doctrines. God gives Grace to those who repent and walk in the light, but NOT to those who love darkness. 

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