Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Socialist Revolution


 As I have previously stated, around ten years ago I heard the words from the Lord, "Chaos, Anarchy, Panic in the Streets, America is going down."

Also, around ten years ago I dreamed that a hostile group of people entered the White House shaking their fists in the air and chanting, "Get Out, Get Out". Then they started chanting, "Revolution, Revolution!" Another group entered the White House carrying assault rifles aiming them at people who disagreed with them.

I also saw thousands of people in the streets shaking their fists at the government. A man wearing a white shirt was running in the streets saying he was going to kill himself because he lost everything when the stock market crashed. I also saw a large hill covered with an American flag going downward.

Here are pics of armed protestors from both the left and the right. Our nation is experiencing a socialist revolution that may result in civil war. In some parts of the country the protestors are calling themselves, "The Peoples Revolution." This is a communist phrase. In Portland Oregon some protestors are waving red flags and carrying shields with the hammer/sickle communist symbols on them.

Antifa protestors are targeting wealthy neighborhoods in the suburbs of Portland. They are going to homes with bull horns and demanding that the people within come out into the street and put their fist up in support with them or they will come back and burn their homes down. They demanded that a African American man remove his American flag or they would burn his house down. He refused because he was a veteran who loves his country. Fortunately his neighbors came to his defense.

Antifa members are approaching people eating at outside tables at restaurants and shaking the table and demanding that they put their fist up or be harmed. They normally approach women and sometimes force them to the ground. Antifa members have been filmed using racial slurs toward black people. I believe that they are the instigators of the rioting. I am against racism, and I support racial justice for all. However, Antifa is a known communist American group that is a threat to our nation.

These events are the beginning of the downfall of America. Now is the time to make physical and spiritual preparation for the storm which has begun. Things are not going to get better until the Lord returns. Thus says the Spirit of the Lord!!!

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