Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dreams from the Lord and Pronounced Visions of the Nuclear Destruction of America


Today, Feb 19, 2024, I dreamed that I was in a tall building in a large city looking down upon the traffic below. I saw the reflection of a mushroom cloud produced from a nuclear explosion on the windshields of every car passing below. Dozens of cars passed by, and I knew I must warn people about the nuclear war that is coming. I ran outside and began yelling, "Nuclear War is Coming, Wake Up!" I repeated this several times, but nobody seemed to listen they walked by oblivious to God's warning. I then shouted several times, 'The United States of Sodom and Gomorrah will be judged! Then I woke from the dream. In the past the Lord told me to continue to warn people about the coming war, as well as to prepare for the coming tribulation. The Lord said, "Most people won't listen to you but warn them anyway." Jeremiah warned his nation of the coming Babylonian captivity, and most did not listen to him either.

God's Word is clear that there will Not be a pre-trib rapture. According to Christ in Matt 24, he will return and gather the saints immediately after the tribulation. Many Christians will be protected and kept out of the tribulation in remote wilderness location (Rev 12}.

A number of years ago the Lord showed me a pronounced vision of the nuclear destruction of my former hometown of Kansas City. Although this vision was about Kansas City, it also pertains to many other cities within America as well. I was working as a security officer at a bank in downtown Kansas City Missouri. I was making a foot patrol around the outside perimeter of the bank. I noticed some construction workers were standing around a manhole in the street that was taped off with barricades and flashing lights. I thought that this was strange since it was after ten p.m. I then heard a loud explosion and witnessed a large mushroom cloud ascend hundreds of feet into the air. I was terrified and ran for cover. I then looked into the street and noticed that there were not any construction workers, nor had any explosion occurred. I then walked over to the area of the street where I saw the manhole and barricades with flashing lights. To my amazement, there was neither a manhole, nor barricades. I then realized that I had seen a vision. Several months later, I had a second vision. I was looking out the window from the Twelfth floor upon Kansas City. I was thinking of how beautiful the city looked at night. I then saw the city in rubble. Flames were ascending from the remains of destroyed buildings, and ash was falling from the sky. This ash was nuclear fallout. The Lord had given me two visions concerning the nuclear destruction of Kansas City.

In a dream, the angel of the Lord pointed out a window. I looked out the window and saw nuclear bombs going off, as well as nuclear missiles being launched. The angel said, “The west coast of California has been destroyed.” Another dream, I was driving my car through Utah at night. I witnessed a large nuclear explosion that was to my west. My car then stalled, and the lights of a nearby town went dark. I also had a dream about a group of people hiding in a bomb shelter in Paris France. I witnessed a large mushroom cloud ascend from behind the Eifel Tower. The Lord said that Paris was ground zero and no one would survive. I also had a dream that the nuclear bombs would cause the sun to scorch people with intense heat. I saw people hiding in caves, as well as holes in the ground to escape the intense heat. The nuclear war will most likely destroy the earth’s ozone layer. Rev 16:8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.

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