Sunday, March 24, 2024

The Wilderness a Place of Survival (Revelation chapter 12)


The Lord showed me that it is crucial that Christians relocate to very remote areas in order to protect their families, as well as their food supply. During this time of war and famine, people will be desperate to feed their families and they will kill you for your food, as well as supplies. Out of necessity, people will eventually consume all of the natural resources, including all the wildlife.

In Revelation chapter six we read about the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The white horse is symbolic of Christ, who executes his righteous judgments, then we read of the red horse, which is war, followed by the black horse of famine with scales in his hand, then the pale horse of death, and Hades follows. As you can see from God’s Word, war is followed by worldwide famine. In addition, the time will come when money will be worthless and no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark, number, or name of the beast. It is crucial that Christians prepare ASAP, for sudden destruction will come and most people will be unprepared.

As I stated previously, we need to be in prayer, as well as fasting for direction from the Lord as to where to relocate to ride out the storm. The Lord has instructed me to relocate to a place of true wilderness, away from all towns and human population. The time will soon come when Christians will need to band together and share their resources in order to survive. In the book of Acts, we read where the early church did exactly this. Those who had an abundance shared with those who lacked, so that everyone’s needs were met, and the Apostles distributed the food accordingly. I believe that this type of community will be necessary once again.

Mountains can serve as a barrier between populated areas and wilderness, as well as slow down human traffic. I believe that remote mountainous areas are ideal for survival. I would recommend very tall mountains, like the Rockies, or the Coastal Mountains of British Columbia Canada. It is also necessary to live near a good water source, such as a lake, river, or year round creek. It is also a good idea to live near plenty of trees, for firewood, as well as building materials. I would also recommend stockpiling as much food as possible. The dehydrated foods with a shelf life of thirty or forty years are ideal. I believe that it is a good idea to hide your food underground if possible. It is also a good idea to learn as much as possible about farming, gardening, hunting, and fishing. The time will come when there will be no more electricity, gasoline, or grocery stores, to depend on. When the war comes, society will be set back to primitive conditions.

According to government sources, if one nuclear bomb were to be set off in the stratosphere above the central United States, it would create an electromagnetic pulse that would knock out the national power grid, as well as all electronic devices and most cars. It would take over a century to get it up and running again. Also according to government sources, if this occurs, ninety percent of the American population will die within one year. Most people are dependent upon Wal-Mart for food and supplies. We all drive cars to work, and trucks, trains, and planes are necessary for transport of food etc. All of our modern conveniences that we take for granted, will come to an end. That is why it is important to learn how to survive. In fact, the Lord spoke to my wife that a nuclear device will be set off in the stratosphere, above the United States. Russia, China, North Korea, as well as Iran, have war plans in place, which mention using a stratosphere bomb against America.

I believe that nuclear radiation will not affect God’s elect. I also believe that we will once again, see the same type of miracles that we read about in Exodus, as well as Acts. That is why we must learn to live by faith, and not fear, but like Noah, we need to prepare our ark of safety according to God’s direction.

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